If you are interested in Membership and Accommodations, please download the Membership Application below, print, sign and mail the application, returning it with the required deposit of $400.00 to:
Mail to:
Sun and Surf Beach Club
P.O. Box 99
Atlantic Beach, New York 11509-0100
When we receive your application and deposit, we will automatically put you on the appropriate waiting list. We will make every effort to secure a bath cabin or cabana for you, but most of our members re-new on a year-to-year basis, thus accommodation availability is limited. Naturally, if we cannot accommodate you, your deposit will be refunded in full. The Sun and Surf Management and Staff are anxious to serve you. We are currently open weekdays from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m (open weekends starting March 22nd) for enrollment and ID photos. You do not have to be paid in full in order to have your picture taken. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 516-239-6700. We look forward to having you with us this summer.